
We believe a church Partnership helps build cohesive congregations.  When people feel safe and accepted in a community of faith they are more likely to connect with others in the congregation.  Partners commit to serving others and along side each other for the wellbeing of the Church.

  • Our Structure for Ministry

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  • Our Partnership COVENANT

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  • Oasis Partnership Application

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What is Partnership?

Partnership at Oasis Church is simply this: becoming an important part of helping people to Seek, Belong, and Serve. It’s not like membership where people are just joining a group; Partnership is when you use your faith and service to make a positive impact in peoples’ lives. By partnering with Oasis, you’re taking responsibility over God’s call in your life!

  • Partnership is celebrating the journey in our faith, together.
  • Partnership is taking ownership over your role in Jesus’s kingdom.
  • Partnership is allowing God to work through you in the Oasis community.
  • Partnership is a way to demonstrate commitment to the mission of Oasis.

We believe the mission of the church was given to us by Jesus himself. In Matthew 28:19-21Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” The mission of the church is to make disciples; the life rhythms of a disciple, as we see in the bible, are to SEEK God, BELONG to community, and SERVE each other and the world.